Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Year 2011, Planet Earth, Time is Now. Switch Of

It’s no secret that humans are the dominant race on earth. A small education will tell you that hasn’t always been the case. In all our pride and vainglory we tend to forget that we are just one of the many species on the planet. We didn’t make a decision to let earth house us; we were put here, rather appeared by chance and as luck would have it we also happen to be the custodians of all this wonder and marvel that we don’t own and have done nothing to make possible. We rule. Don’t we?

Every activity that defines human habitation has done only harm to the planet. Every attempt to tame nature for our bloating needs has added something to the natural mix that doesn’t fare well with the all-important environment – that too, just to make sure we get cool air indoors or a shorter time travelling to the movies maybe. Earth has millions of species. We have just one earth. From the point of view of someone in need we are clearly not being very careful.

It’s as if humans, as a collective, have subconsciously accepted that we aren’t welcomed everywhere. Why would we be? Chance, evolution, biology, Gaia (if you believe in it) has been careful enough to populate itself with a variety of flora and fauna; much more complex and beautiful. There’s proof everywhere that earth wasn’t designed with humans in mind. What do we do on realizing that? We take it in our stride and barge into the next available piece of land, or atmospheric layer, to leave our mark on. If I were earth, I’d find humans very annoying.
Our entire presence has been expended in trying to master nature and all that it stands for. True, our knowledge has grown but so has our need to acquire more just for the sake of growth. Human history has many examples to show what happens when action loses reason. The most violent chapters in history are testaments to deeds accomplished with reason suspended. We seem headed to be reduced to just a violent chapter in the history of earth; one that no one will be around to read.

There have been many calls for action in the past. How you responded then and how much of a loss was your unavailability is not to be delved on now. You have your chance to respond positively to a new call. March 26, 2011, 8:30 pm Earth Hour.

All we need is for you to switch off all your lights for an hour. This is the smallest step you can take to show that you are willing to make a change to your way of living in favour of the planet.
It wouldn’t be unreasonable if you ask what Earth Hour actually stands for. We’ve put together a small quiz for you to better understand the symbol of a lightless hour and also realize where you stand in relation to the need for change.

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